lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

New Wonderland Tube - Cheshire cat

Hello!!! I have a new tube free with $5.00 of purchase on S&CO!!!! She comes from Wonderland, and she is my own version of Cheshire Cat!!!!

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015


I'm looking for active members to my Creative Team. The available positions are:
- 6 Taggers
- 4 Tut Writers
- 3 Advertisers

Requiriments for: 

2 Tags per tube. First tag must be post within a 3 days of receiving the tube, and the second one in the period of 15 days. Must be announce in at least 30 groups that will be specified by list. You will work with at least 2 tubes at month asigned by the CT manager.

You must write one tutorial per tube within a week of reciving the tube. Must be announce in at least 30 groups that will be specified by list. You will work with ats least 1 tube at month asigned by CT manager.


Must make anounces/advertisings with new products and reminders of older tubes in order to priorities. You have to post at least 1 time at week, in no less than 50 groups, especified by list. You will work with all new products and a lot of oldies. Also you work with sketchs and new ideas to make the ads

Common Requiriments:
- Your own blog
- Hard and friendly work
- Active in FB and Blog
- Ready to work in a different CT (not usual CT)
- Speak (or understand) Spanish is not a requiriment, but helps the comunication

If you are interested in any position, please, send me an email to with the following answers:

Name and nickname in FB:
Do you speak spanish?
CTs that you are member
Why do you want to be part of my CT
What do you wait from me??
Do you understand the requiriments of your position and the common requiriments? and do you accept them?
Link to your blog where I can see your works

Thank you!!

Estoy buscando miembros activos para mi Equipo Creativo. Los puestos disponibles son:
- 6 Taggers
- 4 Escritores de Tutoriales
- 3 Anunciantes

Requisitos para:

2 tags por tube. El primer tag debe postearse en un plazo no superior a 3 dias del envio del tube y el segundo y/o siguientes en un plazo no superior a 15 dias. Debe anunciarse en minimo 30 grupos especificados por lista. Se trabajara con al menos 2 tubes al mes asignados por la manager del CT.

Escritores de tutoriales:
Se debe hacer un tutorial por tube en un plazo no superior a 7 dias del envio del tube.  Debe anunciarse en minimo 30 grupos especificados por lista. Se trabajara con al menos 1 tube al mes asignados por la ct manager.

Se deben realizar anuncios de los nuevos productos y recordatorios de los antiguos segun prioridades. Se debe postear minimo 1 vez a la semana en no menos de 50 grupos que se especificara por lista. Se trabajara con todos los nuevos productos y muchos de los antiguos. Tambien trabajaras con bosquejos y nuevas ideas para hacer los anuncios.

Requisitos comunes:
- Blog propio
- Trabajador duro y amistoso
- Debe activo y proactivo
- Dispuesto a trabajar en un equipo creativo diferente a lo normal
- Hablar en español no es un requisito, pero ayuda a la comunicacion.

Si te interesa algun puesto, enviame un correo electronico a con los siguientes datos:

Nombre y Nick en FB:
Hablas español?
CTs a los que perteneces:
Por que quieres ser de mi CT?:
Que esperas de mi?

Entiendes los requisitos de tu puesto y los requisitos comunes?? Y los aceptas?
Enlace a tu blog donde puedo ver tus trabajos:


lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

Memorial Sale + BOGO + Commission Info + Last Tubes

Memorial Sale is here.
Please, remember that SNCo Store has a huge sale. All my CU and Tubes are $1,25 and Packs 50% off. Please, Take a look here:

Also, I want to offer you a BOGO sale only TODAY 25th May, only by email and with PROOF OF PURCHASE of SNCo (No other stores). Send me an email to and tell me the Tube/item you want. Remember you can choose an item/tube with the same value or less value, never more value than you purchased.

Do you want to know more about commissions???
More info:
Simple Tube (1 color layer) = $35
Extra Tube (3 color layers with extras to mix and enjoy) = $50
Chibis (with 5 colors) = $25
Items (in layers if it's possible, to recolor and with 3 colors) = $25
Items Packs = Ask for prices. It's depends that you want.

Last tubes on sale:

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

New preview - tube soon

I've finished one new tube for SNCo, and I've maken 3 previews for my portfolio because I can't choose one!! She is Tweety, and will be on the store very soon

I hope you like it!!!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

New Tubes + New Pack

I finished 2 new tubes matching my Glam Lady Tube ($1,25)!!! 

There are Glam Me Steam ($1,85) and Glam me Goth ($1,85)

And I've packaged the 3 tubes in Glam Me Up pack ($4,00), but you can but it for $2,00 until May 15th, hurry up!!! is 50% off during these days!!!

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Happy St. Jordi's Day!!!!

Happy St. Jordi's day!!!!! Today in Spain we celebrate St. George (San Jorge) or St. Jordi, and is the Book and Rose's day :)  The boy gift a rose to the girl, and the girl gift the book to the boy. Also, we celebrate in Alcala de Henares, my old city, the Literature Cervantes' Prize. I love this day!!!!!

Feliz dia de San Jordi!!!! Hoy se celebra en España el dia de San Jorge o San Jordi, y el dia del Libro y la Rosa :)  El chico regala una rosa a la chica, y la chica un libro al chico. Tambien celebramos en Alcala de Henares (mi antigua ciudad) el Premio Cervantes de Literatura. Me encanta este dia!!!!!

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Rocker Girl Prepaid Project for PFD

Hello Everybody!!! My Rocker Girl Prepaid Project has a new preview with some colors!!! Please, take a look and share your ideas
Any color? any symbol? any name? Chip in here and comment!!!

Fan Group!!!! Exclusive Freebie there!!!

I have a FAN GROUP!!!
Yeahhh!!!! Come and join, I have a tube freebie there!!! What you waiting for????

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

New and Last Preview for Prepaid Project

My prepaid project for Pics For Design is almost ready!! A new preview is added and the tube will be ready very soon!!!
Don't miss it, is the last oportunity to "chip in" in LAST DAYS OF WINTER project.
Thank you !!!

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

SALES - Packs, tubes & CU


My packs only $3,00 WITH 6 TUBES!!! Tubes and CU $1,00!

Hurry up!! Only 13-14 march!!


miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

New ST. PATRICK tube "kiss my clover"

I have a new St. Patrick Tube!!! Kiss my clover . Don't forget I have all my products with special price all March month: $1,25 !!! 
What you waiting for get her?!?!?!

martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

New preview of the Prepaid Project

NEW PREVIEW!!! I've uploaded a new preview for the project Sweet Easter!! ANIMATED GIF to look options!! Follow the link :) Thank you!!!

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

New Prepaid Project ·· SWEET EASTER ··

New Prepaid Project!!! ·· SWEET EASTER ··
I'm making a very nice girl ready with awesome clothes for Easter!!! Customize your lovely girl for next Easter or simply for your sweet tags!!


sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

Commission $30 !!!!

Store Owners!!! Commissions only 30$ for stores!!! Do you want a tube??? I paint it for you for only $30, and later you can sell it as PU tube in your store with the colors that you want!!!
I paint only 1 color and left the tube in PSD format in open layers. FOR EXAMPLE my WIP "not cute" is available, do you want it or another one??? send me and email or a MP here on Facebook!!!
Thank you!!!! <3 p="">

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015


NOT CUTE!! wip
Commissions Availables. Do you want this sketch??? ask me!!
MAIL or MP on FB

Bosquejo y pintado

Hola!! Despues de mucho tiempo desaparecida por mudanzas y enfermedades, he vuelvo a pintar un poco, pero no tiene nada que ver con lo que queria, pero aqui lo dejo :D

Besos para todos!